circad | circRNAs associated with diseases
 Genome Locuschr17:20910208-20911309:-Buildhg19
 DiseasePapillary Thyroid CarcinomaICD-10 Malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified (C44.9)
 DBLinkLink to databasePMID28288173
 Experimental Method
 Sample TypeTissuesComparison18 thyroid samples–consisting of six PTC tumors, six matching contralateral normal samples, and six benign thyroid lesions
 Method for EstimationQuantitative PCR and MicroarraysPCR Details
Suggested PrimersStatisticsFold Change : Upregulated
pvalue : p<0.05
Peng, N, Shi, L, Zhang, Q, Hu, Y, Wang, N, Ye, H (2017). Microarray profiling of circular RNAs in human papillary thyroid carcinoma. PLoS ONE, 12, 3:e0170287.